Wednesday, September 2, 2009

9/2/09 First day of CLASS!

Today was the first day of CLASS for our freshmen and sophomores. It was also the first day of school.

There were only 2 freshmen present because the other 3 are at camp with SAMI. The students were frustrated with their schedules, feeling they had been placed in classes they didn't need to graduate such as Auto Body and Marine Tech. They are both on advanced classes but they appear to be hard-working students, so they should do fine.

The sophomore class likes to talk all at the same time. We will work on that! They also have some concerns about schedules, but their bigger concern appears to be balancing extra-curricular activities with school with life in general. 10 out of 12 students showed up. Esther and Maranda are going to join us. Devin didn't show up today and Gustavo will start with us next Wednesday.

We raided the school supply cabinet and all students have the supplies they need. I have to go back to Office Depot tomorrow to stock up on binders, dividers, and those cool 3-hole punch thingies you can clip into your binder.

Our agenda today was as follows:
Introductions. We said one thing we were excited about and one thing we were concerned about in this new school year.
We reviewed my Class Expectations/Attendance/Grading Policies and students need to get this signed and return to me.
We also reviewed how to organize your binder and then we raided the supply closet.

I want to upload my documents but I have to learn how to do that.

1 comment:

  1. I love the whole focus on time-management. I did not get this until I took my first run at College! being overwhelmed with scedules and assignments can be overwhelming without a prioritized gameplan...Go Peace Go!! Love it!!
