Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Conclave Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Over the past two days we have held Conclave during CLASS. This is a time for us to discuss our highs and lows and also how we are doing in school.

Freshmen: Several students are busy trying to make up missing assignments. One is failing 3 classes and I am particularly concerned about her. Others are having drama at school and at home.

Sophomores: Continued struggle with Honors World Cultures class. Cedric got his mentor to talk to the teacher and that seemed to help. From the students' point of view, the teacher is difficult to understand and doesn't always answer questions. Chemistry and math are ongoing problems. Two students are having behavior problems with particular teachers. I spoke with their mentors about this. We cannot have behavior problems!

Juniors: One student failing 3 classes. arrrgghhh. Another hasn't done her IB Chem in a week!

Seniors: finished their English papers! Woot Woot! Math is hard.

With the Seniors we began brainstorming how to answer an Act Six scholarship essay question.

Here are their thoughts on the following question: "Describe something that you appreciate about your current community and something you would like to change about your current community. Describe what leadership skills you will need to improve during college to serve your community and bring about the transformation you hope for."

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